The Playgoer: And the Nobel goes to...

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Thursday, October 13, 2005

And the Nobel goes to...

it's announced. And I was close! Let's say, the other dramatist we have been discussing here of late...


Anonymous said...

Always great when a playwright wins. But I have to confess, Pinter's work has always left me unmoved. Typical straight guy sadism, emptiness, hollowness of life. Paved the way for idiots like McDonagh. Beckett's legacy deserved better.

Anonymous said...

what's straight about emptiness, hollowness of life?

mcdonagh isn't an idiot. nothing much like pinter either.he's a satirist looking for a target. when he finds one ('the lieutenant of inishmore') he's brilliant. when he doesn't, the plays are flashy but pointless -