Quote of the Day
"Of all the productions I've seen, this is the one that comes closest to Grand Guignol, closest to what I originally wanted to do. I characterize all the major productions I've seen in terms of a single adjective. Hal [Prince]'s was epic. Declan Donnellan's production was exactly the reverse, it was very intimate. John's, for me, is the most intense."
-Stephen Sondheim (in Sunday's Arts & Leisure)lending his blessing John Doyle's Brechtian-Minimalist Sweeney Todd, finally opening this week. Stay tuned for to see if Broadway agrees...
(And kudos to Isherwood for an actually informative A&L feature.)
See below for my own review of the new Sweeney.
1 comment:
Really? Informative? hmmm
I think most theatre artists in NYC would like to have a chance to justify and defend their artistic choices weeks before their show opens
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