The Playgoer: Shakespeare in the Park cutback

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Friday, March 16, 2007

Shakespeare in the Park cutback

Kate Taylor in the Sun today reports back on the campaign NYC's "Cultural Institutions Group" (our bigger-wig nonprofits) are waging against the new Bloomberg arts funding reforms--which basically cut back on their allotments.

So far the biggest impact on theatre is at the Public, where Shakespeare in the Park is losing a week of shows, down to nine from ten. The fallout of that could be even bigger lines.

Then again, I personally don't need another week of "R&J" and "Midsummer", as is the program.


Art said...

In Boston, our Shakespeare is getting the cutback as well.

Jaime said...

Also interesting, the sponsor deal, which I think last summer was 'donate $100, get a seat,' is now 'donate $500 for a pair' Part of Oskar Eustis' plan to redemocratize the plays - last summer he majorly cut back actor comps.