The Playgoer: Strangest Ad Quotes Ever?

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Strangest Ad Quotes Ever?

Okay, I know nothing about this show "Black/Jew/Love Technology" but between the title and the ad I just received in my inbox...I'm very, very confused.

"You two are Fabulous, very funny." -Joan Rivers

"Very Funny." -Jerry Stiller

"Brilliant, shades of Lenny Bruce." -Al Goldstein

"Hilarious." -Robin Quivers

"Hysterically funny, wowed by deft switch from Hustler raunch to Zen
sensitivity." -The Village Voice

"A funny, sexy show to heal the races and sexes." -Time Out New York

Et tu, my beloved Time Out & V Voice?

David Cote--are you proud to be quoted beside--nay underneath!--such luminaries as Quivers, Rivers, and Mr. "Screw Magazine"?

Well far be it from me to prejudge this night of "insight into relationships, politics, sex and race through BJL Technology." Normally, I even give free advertising in exchange for mocking. But their website link is broken.

Here's one more quotable, though: I predict this will be the "I Love You're Perfect" for the "Jewtopia"-meets-"Menopause The Musical"-meets-Culture Project crowd...


Anonymous said...

I predict this will be the "I Love You're Perfect" for the "Jewtopia"-meets-"Menopause The Musical"-meets-Culture Project crowd...

This sentence made me vomit in my mouth...

Anonymous said...

Hey, don't synecdochize me: I am not TONY, and TONY ain't me. I have no idea where they got this dang quote.

Anonymous said...

I don't think you have anything to worry about...this is a cabaret show. These two are incredibly raunchy and incredibly funny, and I'm a snob. Im' sure these reviews are from the comedy reviewers.

Unknown said...

I can say with some confidence that the TONY quote didn't come from anyone currently working in the Theater or Comedy sections. But they've been doing this act for a while, so the quote probably dates back to an earlier regime at Time Out. As I know from covering cabaret, tossed-off blurbs can have looooong shelf lives in this town.