The Playgoer: The New Scalping--ahem, "Broker"--Laws

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Sunday, April 22, 2007

The New Scalping--ahem, "Broker"--Laws

Expert theatre reporter Robert Simonson has an excellent comprehensive overview for Playbill of the imminent changes to the New York State ticket scalping laws--which will effectively lift caps on "resales."

Two especially interesting predictions towards the end:

[Playbill development staffer Mike] Rafael thinks some tickets prices might go down, but does not see admissions to shows plummeting across the board. "I do not think the market is going to work in favor of customers getting a better deal. I think the reality is Jersey Boys and Wicked tickets [which are hot sellers at the moment] will cost a lot more and tickets to some other shows will cost a lot less."
And then this intriguing consequence:
The altered market may also lead to that unthinkable notion: producers and scalpers working hand in hand.

A marriage made in heaven?

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