New Brooklyn Venue
As the economy keeps tanking and Manhattan real estate only, oddly, get pricier, keep a look out for nice new performance venues in the "outer" boroughs.
Such as:
Two major Brooklyn cultural organizations are planning to spend millions of dollars to expand a historic theater. The $17.3 million renovation of the Strand Theatre on Fulton Street will create about 20,000-square feet of space for the organizations, BRIC Arts Media Bklyn and UrbanGlass.Glass blowing? Well you know what they say: theatre renovation makes strange bedfellows.
Officials with the two organizations — a visual and performing arts group and a glassmaking studio — say that construction is expected to begin in 2009 and finish in 2010. The theater was constructed in 1918 for vaudeville acts in what is now known as the Brooklyn Academy of Music Cultural District.
Being that BRIC Arts is not a resident company but a presenter--one devoted to promoting Brooklyn artists in particular (they produce the annual summer fest "Celebrate Brooklyn--this might be good news for that borough's theatre companies.
this seems interesting. As a Brooklynite, I am definitely keeping an eye out on this as it develops...
I attended an artist input meeting on the Strand designs over 3 years ago, so clearly the BRIC has been working on this for a while. Great to hear it's finally moving forward. And on this island, I was wondering if you'd heard anything about the Jerome L. Greene Performance Center? where? when?
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