The Playgoer: Speaking of Theatre on Television...

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Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Speaking of Theatre on Television...

by Abigail Katz

I really enjoyed reading the responses about television plays- y'all had a lot to say! And while there may not be regular programming of plays on the networks or cable, one can find good theatre on television. Last week saw some great theatrical moments at the Democratic National Convention, particularly from Ted Kennedy, Hillary Clinton, and of course, Barack Obama. Can't really get more theatrical than that! It had the ritual, emotion, and arc that good plays have, and I'll bet many of you shed a tear or two. It's certainly the best theatre I've seen in the last couple of weeks (aside from the awesome rehearsals for The Civilians' THIS BEAUTIFUL CITY- I know I'm biased, but this show is going to rock the Kirk Douglas in LA later this month and the Vineyard in January!)

And in terms of not-so-great theatre, just a word of warning, readers- I was at a play last night (which shall not be named.) At intermission I was about to turn to my friend and say less than flattering things about the show. Before I could open my big mouth I discovered that I was sitting next to one of the investors (yikes!) Close one. I guess one should really observe the three-block rule...

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