The Playgoer: Slava's Snowjob?

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Thursday, November 13, 2008

Slava's Snowjob?

Lookout Grinch! Lookout Rockettes! Lookout "Irving Berlin's White Christmas"!!!

Slava's back in town--and this time it's Broadway.

Yes, the producers of Slava's Snowshow--the Off-Broadway Russian clown sensation from seasons past--are making a bid for that holiday season ticket intake. An interesting test of how the English-language-free family/tourist spectacular "Stomp" model actually works in a theatre over 500 seats.

Then again, it only has to survive a one-month run, December 2 thru January 4.

However it does, it will also make that market for stingier-than-ever holiday family discretionary spending tighter than ever.

Hey, if anyone wants to defend or recommend the show--which I, of course, haven't seen--please do.
Meanwhile, check out their online photo gallery, with such family friendly shots as the above.


Anonymous said...

I've seen the show twice, actually--once in London in 2004, I think it was, and once in NYC right after it opened.

The London show I thought was a pretty magical experience. It was clowning of a very high level--funny and touching and universal, and surprising, too. The kind of thing that Beckett would approve of, no joke.

The NYC production wasn't as good--it was the same show, basically, but not the original Slava, and the timing and the tone were a bit off. I wasn't especially impressed. That said, it wasn't bad, and it wasn't cynical like a lot of holiday entertainment is.

Don't know if that's still true, but if they do the show as well as it can be done, it's beautiful. That may not apply to the ads and the website...

Anonymous said...

I admit, I saw the show at Union Sq. I don't even know if quality is the question, but I think it points to how globalization has created a thurst on Bway for something that non-english speaking tourists can blow their vacation cash on. Lacking a next generation of Bill Irwins, then a guess Slava gets his moment in the Bway spotlight.

Roger Smith said...

Absolutely love Slava's Snowshow. Saw it twice in Sydney and both times it was very magical. Have never seen audiences come out of a show as happy as they came out of this one! A real joy and for me a show not to be missed the next time it comes to Sydney!

Roger Smith said...

I just commented on Sydney show but I don't think I left my name which is Roger.