The Playgoer: The New & Improved Blogroll!

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Sunday, April 04, 2010

The New & Improved Blogroll!

Finally realizing that my blogroll was embarrassingly out of date, I have just updated it.  Outdated links repaired; inactive/defunct blogs removed; and a few new ones added. (Scroll down for "Bloggers" in the right margin.)

If you're a blogger I removed and feel I done you wrong, please email me directly at playgoer_at_gmail_dot_com.  Also let me know of any still-incorrect links on the blogroll.

And if you have any other theatre-related blogs to recommend, please share below in Comments!  Heck, tell us about any good arts-related blogs in general, though I might not include them in the blogroll.

Hopefully Playgoer can once again be your one-stop shopping for snarky and scintillating theatre web-browsing.


Craige Hoover said...

Hey there... check out

SlimAndSlam said...

It's been posting pretty infrequently lately, but Storefront Rebellion is not defunct, and worth keeping up with: