The Playgoer: Money!

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Thursday, July 29, 2010


Some rare cash flow making its way to arts orgs...

House Appropriations Committee has approved an extra (wait for it) $2.5 million for the NEA for next fiscal year.  FYI, that's enough for one season at a small LORT theatre company or one mid-size Broadway play.

One of George Soros' foundations is offering $11 million just to NYC "nonprofit music, dance, and theatre groups that are recognized for the quality of their artistic work, their strong educational programs for young people, their employment of artists and their other contributions to the vibrancy of New York City’s cultural life."

Meanwhile, some folks just can't throw enough money at Yale Rep.  First the Robina Foundation gives just shy of a million and now the Mellons outdo them. The rich get richer....

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