The Playgoer: The I-Prompt?

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The I-Prompt?

In the course of dishing about  the "going-up" shenanigans of certain stage stars, Michael Riedel posits a new use for new technology:

Producers foresee a time when actors will be able to hold a little something in the palm of their hand that will flash their lines. Or perhaps they can steal a glance at their watches, in character of course, and get the line.
Finally, something useful the theatre can do with these gadgets!


Anne Keefe said...

There are so many technological advances for the theatrical world, especially as an Iphone app. Lighting Designers can do their entire design process and cue their board offsite just from the Iphone.

What technological innovation do you find most exciting for the performing arts? This month, technology is the hot topic of the MADE HERE project.

MADE HERE ( is a new documentary series and website devoted to the challenging and eclectic lives of performing artists in New York City.

There is also a screening of the technology episodes and a discussion about how technology is impacting the arts on September 28, 2010 6:30-8:30 pm at CAVE 58 Grand St., Brooklyn, NY 11211. Event co-hosted by HERE and CAVE. RSVP to

Playgoer said...

Hmm, a little spammy, Anne. But given its possible interest to readers, I'll allow it.