The Playgoer: Backstage at the Delacorte

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Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Backstage at the Delacorte

Fun video tour of the Public's Shakespeare in the Park venue, courtesy of the current season's actors, replete with mild Tom Foolery.

Interesting reminder that no matter how high the profile, summer outdoor theatre is always like outdoor theatre everywhere--i.e. you always need bugspray and Gatorade.

UPDATE: Further installments in the series now available at Playbill here and here.


Anonymous said...

Except at Shakespeare Santa Cruz (fairly high profile) where all you need for the matinee is a hat and bottle of rose, but in the evening a blanket and hot thermos.

Playgoer said...

Actually I was referring to the ONstage experience of the actors. But point well taken--sounds lovely!