The Playgoer: Fringe Glut?

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Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Fringe Glut?

Helen Shaw's preview in the Sun seems as good a way as any to sort out the mind-boggling array of more than 200 viewing choices at the New York International Fringe Fest. At least as a start.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this link. Very informative. I used it in a post on my blog. It's a nice complement to more commercial, formulaic options.


I've got some additional choices (focused, naturally, on clown and physical comedy) up on my site clownlink...

Clowns in NY Fringe

Frank Anthony Polito said...

Don't forget ANOTHER DAY ON WILLOW ST, a play by Park Slope-based actor/playwright and soon-to-be-published novelist, Frank Anthony Polito.

The play, set in Brooklyn Heights at the Dawn of the New Millennium, features two REAL life couples--Polito and long-time partner, Craig Bentley, and past FringeNYC award-winners, Fred Backus (HORSE COUNTRY, 1999) and Pamela Sabaugh (WOMAN IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM, 2000).

For more info: