The Playgoer: Intermissions

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Thursday, July 14, 2005


An amusing yet thought-provoking take on current trends in "the intermission question" from Rupert Christiansen in the London Telegraph. (Courtesy, ArtsJournal.) I personally agree a milestone of sorts has been reached with the triumph of the 90-minute "one-act". The future of the intermission is an open question, and one ripe for reinvention.

Update (7/15)--apparently the "shortee" play has stirred some considerable debate across the pond lately. Do check out the cool links in the comments from reader Webloge, a Brit-based theatre blogger. (Thanks 'loge!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Billington is so smug. He has to take his head out of his ass. The era of Brecht is over.