speaking of Nobel "political" playwrights...
Dario Fo is running for mayor--not here in NYC where we need him but in Milan. So have no fear, Mike Bloomberg...
Speaking of which, I supposed it's only fair to reference this glowing tribute to Bloomberg in this Sunday's Arts & Leisure. "His administration has done more to promote and support the arts than any in a generation"??? Personally I would have traded "The Gates" for an extra production slot at five non-profit theatres. Bloomberg's personal "philanthropy" (clearly benefitting the bigger fish more than the little) should not be mistaken for consistent and systemic arts policy. In other words...what's to become of our cultural institutions after Mayor McSchmoozer leaves?
Mayor McSchmoozer? I like that. I could see it catching on...
For elaboration check out this post from Gotham Gazette's Wonkster blog. An excerpt:
"Oddly omitted from the article, though, are any comments from the major arts advocates in the city, including those from the Alliance for the Arts and the New York City Arts Coalition, who have not been shy about expressing their disappointment with the Bloomberg administration for having an arts expense budget lower than it was during the final fiscal year that began under former Mayor Rudy Giuliani."
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