weekend reading
As I'll be unbloggable(?) this weekend up in the great north here are links to three worthwhile pieces from the recent Yale Theatre journal, I just caught up with:
-Charles McNulty's critique of and contribution to the "theatre is dying" genre
(McNulty is now up and running, by the way, on the LA Times theatre page)
-Rachel Shteir's skewering of the NYC critical establishment (a natural fit for this blog)
-and, as boring as it seems, "Real Estate and Theater Space in New York: A Forum" with some heavy hitters from BAM, PS122...in other words the ones with space. But maybe they can enlighten the rest of us.
Back on Monday!
Great North... tsss... :)
Thanks for posting these, which are both inspiring and frustrating. And it's interesting that they came to my attention through a blog, several of which have been prime sources (in the couple weeks since I've known about them) for daily thinking about theater in a complex way. It's not surprising that the articles don't mention blogging, and it seems that people who read/write blogs are hyper-aware of their existence in a way that the culture at large (& the theater culture at large) generally isn't, and yet the sense of community that exists in the links between your page and George Hunka's and dozens of others is really thrilling in its potential. It could, it seems, enliven theater and work against the thinning out of the artistic critical mass that all the geographical dispersion (even just within NYC) has caused. Of course--and this relates to your post a little while ago about straight-to-DVD releases--the question is how to make it all accessible and connected and vital in reality.
I noted the same lack of attention to the online world too, Andrew, in these articles. But then, hasn't theater always been several decades behind the times? Why should their academic journals be any different?
Thank you for your kind words about Superfluities and the other theater blogs out there. We are doing our best.
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