The Playgoer: Photo of the Day

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Monday, February 06, 2006

Photo of the Day

Mary Zimmerman's Pericles. At the Goodman Theatre in Chicago.

Read about that and more in Isherwood's Chicago roundup in "Arts & Leisure."

Yes, Virginia, there is a city with a diverse vibrant theatre scene, of companies big and small, where people--ordinary people--buy tickets!

(Too bad Isherwood focuses on the big over the small, though....)


June said...

Ha, Seattle, from whence I semi-recently moved, also has a vibrant theater scene, but I think it's very unlikely that any of the Times critics are going to be booking tickets to the Pacific Northwest any time soon!

Playgoer said...

Point taken, June. Since it took NYT over 10 years to take Chicago seriously, maybe we can look forward to a 2010 Seattle season preview!...Your point exemplifies just how simple to do and yet how hard it is for the Times to make such national coverage routine.