The Playgoer: TONY nom's

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Tuesday, May 16, 2006

TONY nom's

They're out.

Some headlines:

Rabbit Hole edges out Well for token U.S. play

In weird revenge, Lisa Kron edges out Julia Roberts for the last Best Actress nod

In desperation for actual stage drama, Awake and Sing does well

...But so does Drowsy Chaperone


June said...

My biggest surprise was no nomination for Antony Sher for Primo. It was a masterful, controlled performance--and he'd conceived and "written" (taking directly from Levi) the piece. I'm just reading his diary of the creation of the work--Primo Time--so perhaps that's coloring my memory, but ...

Anonymous said...

My biggest surprise, given how business-minded the whole process is, was that they passed up Julia Roberts in favor of five actresses whose shows have closed (Rabbit Hole's gone, Playgoer). The single nomination for "Tarzan" also seems like a somewhat unexpected screw-you to Disney. I guess when you're a Tony judge, putative interlopers from the movie business are about the only thing left in the world to condescend to.