The Playgoer: Bloggers Panel Saturday!

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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Bloggers Panel Saturday!

The annual "Prelude" festival at The Segal Center at the CUNY Graduate Center Theatre Program has already become a hot event for all things alternative in New York Theatre. I'm happy to say they saw fit this year to include a whole panel devoted to theatre bloggers!

In addition to yours truly, come meet the masterminds behind Superfluities, Parabasis, the new Performance Studies-oriented Obscene Jester, and possibly others as well. For a dose of MSM, we will be joined by Voice critic Alexis Soloski. And our moderator will be veteran Time Out theatre editor--and freshman blogger himself--David Cote.

So come heckle us, ask probing questions, or just nod affirmatively. Plus you get to see what we look like.


Saturday, September 30
Elebash Recital Hall
CUNY Graduate Center
365 5th Avenue (NE corner of 34th Street)
(for those who remember, the old B.Altman's department store)

Admission Free, $5 reservations possible on Smarttix.

Of course, the rest of Prelude is great, too, featuring peeks at the latest work by Target Margin, Mabou Mines, Will Eno, and blogger/playwright Jason Grote. The whole things runs Thursday-Saturday.

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