The Playgoer: "Journey's" End?

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Thursday, March 22, 2007

"Journey's" End?

"As you may know, I have been doing a play on Broadway for the past few months called Journey's End. I told many of you I would let you know if I heard anything about the play closing prematurely. Well, our executive producer Bill Haber called an impromptu cast meeting after the show last night, to congratulate us on having the best reviewed show on Broadway, but also to let us know that the way ticket sales look now, he doesn't see the show lasting the whole run. Specifically, he said that we would definitely make it to the end of March, but he 'doesn't see it lasting until May...' He also gave us his word that we would get 2 weeks notice. So I'm not sure if that means it will end in mid-April or what-- apparently all the nominations come out in April, which could give us a second wind, but you never know.

So I guess this was our early warning. I will also send out an email when I get that official 2-week notice. Just wanted everyone to know what I know, when I know it. Hope everyone is well, and if any of you are coming out to NY and want to get tickets, get ahold of me and I will help."

-actor Stark Sands on his blog, leaking a little inside prognosticating on his show, the fine "Journey's End." I better get my review up soon!

Meanwhile, go! Discounts galore, I'm sure, on Playbill, TheatreMania, etc. And it's always at TKTS.

Not that what we need to save most on Broadway is more Anglophilia and classy old plays. But this is just serious drama, really well done and well acted--by a mostly American cast by the way. The fact that it still hovers at 40% capacity does not in this case signal that audiences are not appreciative. If it folds like this, it will be yet another bellweather on the possibilities for serious non-movie-star-driven drama on Broadway.

(hat tip: contrapositive)


Jaime said...

Amen. I was amazed how powerful and engaging it was - it sounds like it'd be stodgy and stiff. It's a really fantastic show. People should see it. (And not the bad kind of should. Should because you'll love it.)

Anonymous said...

I've been wanting to see that, I guess I'd better hop to it. Meanwhile, that is one scary fan-produced actor blog.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to hear more from that poster who said this is musty and dated theatre. Um, no: the psychological insights are incredibly contemporary and brought to vivid life by the extraordinary Hugh Dancy. I'll give that critic this: the second half of the show can't come close to matching the tension and drama of the first half; and the smug, pretentious curtain call is probably a big reason the show is turning off so many theatregoers. But this is riveting and truthful art, more dynamic and relevant than 99% of what's happening off and off-off Broadway. Viva Broadway and viva Journey's End!

Aaron Riccio said...

I wish people didn't feel the need to post anonymously. It's a straight-up shame that "Journey's End" is closing while "A Jew Grows in Brooklyn" continues. That an incredibly strong ensemble show and a remarkably relevant war theme can't interest enough people to last a whole run depresses me to no end. The tension of drama created before the raid and the oppressingly empty stage that follow is some of the finest theatricality I've seen of late, and my hat is off to a producer for continuing to make a statement through even the curtain call. Though it wasn't written as an anti-war play, a show this honest is bound to be. SEE IT!

Vance said...

Ah Crap, I wanted to see this show this past weekend on my trip to NY but had to cut the trip short for work reasons, so missed out seeing it Sunday. ARGH... and I'm not back for another couple of months now. damnit.