The Playgoer: anti-Poster of the Day

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Friday, August 24, 2007

anti-Poster of the Day

Thanks to Commenter "Michael" for the link to the infamous "One That I Want" Grease ad. (Covered earlier.)

What think you? Deceptive? Or just mind-numbing?


Paul Rekk said...

Ha! I kind of love it. I would a lotta love it if only it weren't Grease. And to tell you the truth, if this had been a show I had been on the fence about seeing, this would've sold the ticket.

Steve On Broadway (SOB) said...

Mind numbingly deceptive.

Anonymous said...

Which is more sad, this poster or the fact there putting GREASE on BROADWAY AGAIN, only this time with reality TV performers?

Either way, it's a fucking waste of a hundred dollars per ticket . . .

Anonymous said...

Completely deceptive, but effective for a demographic sucked in by the reality TV frenzy.

Coming soon...

Survivor: The Musical, subtitled Once Off This Island.