The Playgoer: Obama represents for NEA

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Thursday, April 03, 2008

Obama represents for NEA

We have to improve arts and music funding generally, in schools but also outside of schools. The [National] Endowment for the Arts, our support of the public arts our support for arts institutions—all those things should be a priority and they don’t cost that much money. They really don’t. But you get such a big payoff…

Part of what arts education does is it teaches people to see each other through each other’s eyes. It teaches us to respect and understand people who are not like us. That makes us better citizens and it makes our democracy work better.

-Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama, at a town hall meeting yesterday in Wallingford, PA.

Shh. Don't tell anyone. We want him to win....

Seriously, I'm sure Hillary Clinton would say something equally supportive, if asked. Has she? Did she?

Maybe Bill Richardson's recent endorsement has rubbed off...

Here's yesterday's Obama video below. The above passage starts about the 2:40 mark.


Anonymous said...

The NEA mention isn't part of his usual language, but the rest of it is. Every time he mentions education he mentions the arts.

Just one more reason...

Anonymous said...

Money for obsenity
National Endorsement for the arts formally endorse obama. See thats just the people who endorce obama are illigitmate artists. The national endowment for the arts has been stealing money from taxpayers for years to sumbmerge crucifixes is urin and sicknesses like that. We need to pull all the people who are against these sick arts toghether and vote all these liberials out. The NEA supporting obama is like the kkk is supporting David Duke.
Obamas speech at the convention just showes what kinds of crap the liberals want to do to the country, spending money on art inseted of on what really matters!

We must vote our conciuous in 08, Vote for the only richeous cannidate.... Vote 4 John McCain in 08!

Playgoer said...

At the risk of engaging in substantive dialogue with the above comment, I'll just say...the NEA can "endorse" someone??? Uh, I believe the personnel there are currently Republican appointees.

Long live "Piss-Christ!"