The Playgoer: Introducing...The Guest Bloggers!

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Monday, August 04, 2008

Introducing...The Guest Bloggers!

Dearest Readers,

After three years-plus of more or less consistent daily blogging, I have decided it's time to take a serious break. Actually, the need is not for relaxation but for time to deal with a couple of big events in my off-line life. In a couple of weeks I face the daunting "Second Exam" in my Theatre PhD program at the CUNY Grad Center. Then, at the end of September, I'm getting married! Yes, there is a Playgoerette. (And you should buy her poetry anthology in the right margin here.)

But what better opportunity, I thought, than now to turn these virtual pages over to some of my smart and gifted theatre-loving friends and colleagues who have not yet had a web presence but have tons of interesting things to say about the artform. AND who have perspectives totally different from mine!

So, without further ado, for the month of August, please enjoy the blogging stylings of...

  • Abigail Katz: Dramaturg and Literary Associate for the award winning downtown theatre company, The Civilians, and a graduate of Columbia's MFA program in dramaturgy.
  • Chris Mills: Editor, dramaturg with Theater Mitu, and teacher at NYU.
  • Brook Stowe: Editor of the New York Theater Review and the initial founding director of the New York Theater Project, Inc.
  • ...and last but not least, frequent Playgoer commenter Dr. Cashmere, who prefers to be identified as "a theatre artist living in the New York area."
So I will just be sitting back and enjoying these four horsemen (and women) of the Playgoer Apocalypse with everyone else. No editing, no screening. The opinions expressed from now on do not necessarily reflect the official positions of Playgoer or Playgoer, inc. And I can't wait!

Sure, I may butt in from time to time in Comments, or even make a post here or there when the spirit (and the news) moves me. And I will still be reading all comments as well as my email at playgoer [at] gmail [dot] com. So feel free to contact me as usual. I will return for a bit after Labor Day, and then probably hand the reigns over to some new guests for September.

But otherwise, I am now officially on hiatus. I hereby hand over the keys to these brave four. Please welcome them and show them every courtesy you have to me. Scratch that--be nice!


Anonymous said...

You have certainly left your home in wonderful hands. Have a great break - rest assured that your blogsitters will take good care.

Steve On Broadway (SOB) said...

Garret, Hearty congratulations on the upcoming nuptuals! A Playgoerette, eh? Wow! How lucky is she?!


Aw, I shall miss your wonderful, informative entries...but congrats on the Playgoer-ette! Enjoy your wedding, as well as your time off...and good luck on the exam, as well.

Roger Dunbar said...

Ah, and I just found this blog yesterday! Well I am sure the following months will be filled with exciting guest posts.

Playgoer said...

Sorry, Roger. But you're right, the guest posts will be "exciting" and, hey, there's always three years of archives to catch up on, should you wish. That should keep you busy...

Esther said...

Congratulations Playgoer and the future Mrs. Playgoer! Good luck with the exam. I've learned a lot about theatre by reading your blog, so I hope you'll be joining the comments. And I'll be looking forward to your guest bloggers.