The Playgoer: What a Strange Season This Is...

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Monday, August 25, 2008

What a Strange Season This Is...

by Abigail Katz

It appears the planets are out of alignment in the theatre universe. Each day seems to bring another story of a cancelled show, an actor replacement, a change of venue, and gloomy days ahead. At the same time there are several Broadway shows setting preview dates "at a theatre to be announced." On the Great White Way alone, we have dueling Mamets, the producers' battle for Hair, no available theatres, and no money.

With this kind of drama, who needs plays?

So what gives? Am I blowing this out of proportion, or are we actually in a very exciting time that could shake things up a bit?


1 comment:

Unknown said...

It's hard to tell what the legacy of today will be until tomorrow. This could be the start of a huge change to transform the theater, or it could be the start of a slow decline before a huge change to transform the theater.

Rest assured though, that as long as people like us are passionate and determined, the theater will continue to survive. The only question is how, and how badly the bad years will look.