The Playgoer: Playgoer on the Twitter

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Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Playgoer on the Twitter

And the Kindle!

Yes, we're crawling into the 21st century here. As you'll see in the upper right margin, if RSS feeds or just plain Google searches aren't instant enough for you, you can now follow the blog on Twitter or even have it delivered to your Kindle. (Because of course you have one.)

On Kindle it is indeed a paid subscription and the good folk at Amazon have valued Playgoer at just 99 cents* a month. Considering you get it in black and white and probably limited graphics, little to know link-following and forget about video... one might very well ask, what benefit you get from that? Well, nothing. But I myself will get a whopping 30%! So if you're using the damned device anyway, please consider it charity.

Meanwhile, Playgoer will also stay right here at this good old fashioned and free url, for those luddites among you who probably just print it on your dot-matrixes. I know I do.

*update 9/12/09: Amazon just lowered my Kindle price. Don't know if that's a good or bad sign. But, hey, take advantage! Under $12 a year for every post delivered to you Kindle machine!


Playgoer said...

Thanks to those of you who have already signed up on Twitter. Now if only I can remember to actually put the posts on there...

Sorry for the delay.

Playgoer said...

update: Amazon just lowered the Kindle price from $1.99 to $0.99 a month. Don't know if that's a good or bad sign. But, hey, take advantage! Under $12 a year for every post delivered to you Kindle machine!