The Playgoer: Playgoer Live Tony Blogcast Tonight!

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Sunday, June 13, 2010

Playgoer Live Tony Blogcast Tonight!

Playgoer will once again be blogging the Tonys tonight, beginning with the official start of the CBS broadcast at 8pm.  (Goto for live feed of the first-hour "pre-show" of the "not ready for primetime awards." New Yorkers can also tune into NY1 for their version of a "red carpet" glitz-fest.  Although if Riedel is to be believed, the Tony red carpet will be a sorry and bitter affair this year.)  And now that we're on Facebook and Twitter you can have a number of options to follow along--even if you're (gasp) not watching the entire four hours at home!

Except last year, when I was stymied by technical difficulties, the blogcast has been a yearly Playgoer feature.  You can relive the good times from '08, '07, '06, and '05

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