The Playgoer: Friday Roundup

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Friday, August 13, 2010

Friday Roundup

by Matt Roberson

- A fascinating "critics roundtable" is happening on the Times' Arts Beat page regarding the developing cultural life of Governor's Island.  Charles Isherwood chimes in today regarding his experience seeing the marathon The Demons. (PS - the planned performance space referred to by Isherwood is known as The New Globe Theatre)

- That smell of low budget theatre in the air today can only mean one thing:  ITS FRINGE TIME!  This weekend marks the start of the 2010 FringeNYC Festival, and has you covered with a user friendly show guide.  I'm personally reviewing two shows for the site, so be on the lookout for those. 

- The train wreck previously known as the Spiderman musical has set an official opening date for this December.  Any bets on how much tickets will cost? 


Tom Shea said...

Ahem. Spider-Man. Not Spiderman.

Super Bowl.

Unknown said...

Ahem. I was wondering who would actually buy a ticket for this. Now I know.