The Playgoer: Bard Island?

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Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Bard Island?

If you're on any theatrically related listserv's these days, chances are you've received at least several identical pleas to "Save the Globe!" No, not the planet. Not even the London "New Globe" theatre replica. But a proposed replica of a replica on the ghost-town spot of NYC known as Governors Island.
The artist's rendition above looks nice enough. But is yet another Shakespeare venue really what's needed here? And will it revitalize the area? Seems like just the pet project of some wealthy enthusiasts.
Personally, I just shudder to think of how much time it will take to get there and back. Nothing worse than a long ferry ride after a lame "Midsummer Night's Dream" with still a subway ride to go before home is in sight.
I mean, really, as if BAM isn't enough of a trek!
Anyway, check out the proposal yourself. I think an all purpose concert venue might be more appropriate. And probably what would happen anyway, since there just ain't enough Bard to sustain a project like that here.

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